Commercial compactors can save our business time, money, and space. It is true that we all want a zero-waste economy. However, we must deal with the reality that it is not going to happen quickly.
In this blog, we are going back to basics for potential customers and readers. We will inform you of the fascinating and profit-boosting advantages of commercial compactors for your business.
And, even if you don’t have a business, you just might find the mysteries of commercial compactors very interesting. Thus, let us pose the critical question some young businesses do not understand when they first open their doors.
What are we going to do with all this commercial trash, garbage, and waste? At Consolidated Waste Systems, we have the answers to that question.
Commercial Compactors Can Come to the Rescue

Is Your Business Drowning In Trash?
Commercial compactors are one of our favorite solutions for many waste problems. And we believe in customizing your commercial compactor to your specific business needs. (Yes, we will tell you more about that later in this article.)
- Do you own a basic warehouse, a boutique hotel, or a sleek office building?
- Are you the proud owner of a large apartment complex, a construction demolition service, a chain of beauty salons, or an elegant restaurant?
We have seen commercial compactors mitigate expenses associated with waste for all of these types of businesses and many more.
Diving for the Facts Behind Your Big Bins of Trash
The truth is that almost all of today’s businesses can’t prevent producing mounds of waste. They get caught in what we call the Space Race.
- Waste gets bulky quickly and business owners soon discover square footage is a premium asset. Storing waste eats the space you need for production.
- The more products you make or buy, the more waste piles up. You’re in the space race with your own waste. If you mismanage your waste, it will crowd you out of space in no time. According to Waste Today Magazine, “This waste can not only take up a lot of space in a facility, it can also necessitate frequent service.”
How To Win the Space Race: Utilize a Commercial Compactor
You see, eventually, your overhead must include hiring a waste company to service those bins of trash. Such services cart them away and bring them back empty. And that is a good thing.
But more full bins mean more trips and more trips from your waste pick-up service means more money out of your pocket.
Then, Enter, Your New Hero: A Commercial Compactor.

Whatever Your Business, The Right Commercial Compactor Can Save You Time and Dollars.
As Adam Redling stated in Waste Today Magazine, “In order to help better manage and neutralize on-site commercial waste, many business owners choose compaction as a way to mitigate these issues.”
To put it briefly, a proper-sized waste compactor can save you money in the long run and break the cycle of the Space Race.
Back to Basics: Balancing the Costs between Trash Pick-ups and Waste Compactors
Obviously, the more trash runs your service makes, the more money you will pay. Therefore, reducing the volume of waste produced via compaction is an easy way for businesses to cut into their waste expenditures.
Think of crushing as much bulk and air out of your waste as possible. That is the science of compaction.
Now, mathematically, how far can your compactor reduce your waste? That depends on the kind of waste you have. If you have waste that is easy to crush, you could possibly get a ratio of 6 to 1.
A Deeper Dive into the Math Behind Commercial Compactors

Until We See Our Dream Of A Circular Economy, Commercial Compactors Help Us Get Cleaner, Leaner, And Greener.
But the industry rule-of-thumb is actually 3 to 1. That means your waste takes up one-third less room. Likewise, it means your waste service only picks up once instead of three times per month. (And these wonderful compactors can be rented as well as bought, protecting you against the outlay of initial costs.)
So Let’s Look at Waste Compactors in Dollars and Cents (And sense.)
1. Let’s say you have that very familiar open-top container behind your store or apartment complex.
2. You are having it serviced every week at $200.00 per week. That means you are out $800.00 per month.
3. However, with one of our commercial compactors and an average 3 to 1 compaction ratio, your service only needs to come once a month.
Introducing the Nuisance Factor: You Know It Well
Now, of course, you still have to rent or buy your machine, but just look at the hidden advantage:
Not only are you saving money on the service, but you also do not have to tolerate the truck nuisance factor so often.
What is the truck nuisance factor, you ask? It is our term at Consolidate Waste Systems, for the noise and inconvenience of that truck picking up waste every, single week. (We won’t even mention the wear and tear on your parking lot or the inconvenience to your customers and staff.)
Seeing the Industrial Super Heroes in Waste Compactors
1. Most experts place your savings with compactor overhauling trips to be about 60 percent.
2. You also need not rely on your employees to break down and carry out the waste. Could that lessen your labor cost?
Your Compactor Makes Life Safer, More Secure, Cleaner and Quieter
With fewer hauling trips, you have fewer trucks driving through the quiet parking lot of your boutique hotel, for example. Likewise, cutting down the traffic gives your location better security.
You see, compacting waste keeps intruders from dumpster diving to find information or merchandise.
The Most Obvious Reason You Need a Compactor for Your Business

Self-contained Compactor Come in Several Sizes. There Is One Sized For Your Business.
Commercial Compactors are the cleaner, greener and leaner way to dispose of your waste. Yes, we at Consolidated love that rhyming expression.
You see, a compactor is a much cleaner system than the bin. Why? Because it is sealed. That means commercial compactors have less odor than that open-top bin.
They also discourage insect populations. And they repel rodents that are not near as cute in your waste as they are in Micky Mouse cartoons.
As you might have guessed, Consolidated Waste Systems knows a great deal about Commercial Compactors. We thank you for stopping by to read our blog.
We would be remiss if we did not invite you to view our equipment page and we’d love to visit with you more about these amazing machines.